What kind of week would it be if we weren't producing more Wonderland Pendants?! The studio is practically swimming in gorgeous Lake Superior agate and Michigan Greenstones, which are demanding to be made into beautiful, one-of-a-kind pieces. Speaking of swimming, a few of these designs will incorporate wave silhouettes made from layers of recycled sterling silver. Perfect for all of our kindred water fanatics out there (especially those of us on the shores of Lake Superior).
A few other design elements you can look for include the popular starry night sky, rising sun, crescent moon, and a new windy day background (complete with clouds and wind swooshes)! You'll have access to these beauties in a few short weeks, so keep an eye out on our Facebook page for their release announcement!
Having a hard time waiting for these pieces? Not to worry, we recently released some new Wonderland designs that you can find on our website as well as in the shop!
As always, we have SO much more coming your way! We'll keep you all updated as new designs near completion. Thanks so much for following along!